It's Official: Skateboarding SUPPORTS Mental Health!

For those of you that did not have a chance to catch last week’s blog, we wanted to remind you that there will be two more additional weeks of skateboarding classes. This means that Demo Day for the Monday group will be March 9 while the Thursday group will have a chance to show off their skills on March 12. To recap what we practiced this week, we had a cumulative review of previous weeks’ Trick Tips which focused on the bank, halfpipe, and flatground skating.


As you have seen over the last eight weeks, Coach Trevor and myself have spoken extensively about the benefits of skateboarding, especially for young people. Through skateboarding, we can make new friends, be physically active outdoors, and apply what we learn to the larger picture of life. 

This week, we were very excited to learn about a study at the University of Southern California, entitled Beyond the Board: Findings from the Field, which detailed the connections between skateboarding, mental health, community, race, gender, and perceived skills. The report, which is available for download HERE, examines skateboarding’s integration into contemporary society. 

The study was funded in part by the Tony Hawk Foundation, a California-based non-profit founded by the man himself. Their goal is to provide funding for public skateparks across the country.

At Champ Camp Skateboarding, the ability to develop autonomy while making friends is a cornerstone of our beliefs. Our goal is to introduce you all to the welcoming community of skateboarders so that you can take what you learn and continue to grow at your own pace. We recommend that you take some time to check out the study. It shows that skateboarding is not just a passing fad, but a family of intelligent, hardworking individuals who see the bigger picture beyond the board.

-Coach Elliott