Champ Camp!

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Skateboarding: A Global Family to Roll [Off] With

Fantastic job everyone on a productive Week Six! Keep in mind that we only have one more week of lessons before our Demo Day. As we kick off Week Seven, remember to start thinking about a trick or two you would like to share with your friends, coaches, and parents.

Our Trick Tip this week covered the bomb drop. This trick consists of rolling off of an obstacle and landing back on flatground. During our practice, everyone had the opportunity to roll off the one stair. For the skaters who were more comfortable, they attempted the two stair at the other side of the park. The key to bomb drops is to become comfortable on smaller obstacles before moving on to larger ones. Bomb drops are a great introduction to higher-impact skating. After bomb drops, ollieing down stairs will become much easier

This week, the Thursday group was visited by guest coach Faris, a skateboarder who lives in London, England. He was super excited to join us for our lesson and was a great addition to the coaching team. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was all of the skaters in the group.

In our closing message, Coach Trevor and I made a point about how the skateboarding community exists not only our local town of El Segundo, but also on a global scale. Imagine how unique it is to be able to travel to a different part of the world and instantly make friends through our shared passion for skateboarding! Even though I met Faris in London, it is incredible that he was able to visit me in Los Angeles to experience skateboarding and culture here. In my own experience, I have visited many foreign countries where I met local skaters who shared their city with me. With this in mind, be proud of yourselves for being members of the skateboarding family!

-Coach Elliott