Beginner's Luck
Photo Credit: LACoFD Lifeguard Division
Each year, the phrase “Luck of the Irish” unassumingly slides into our vernacular during the month of March, peaking today as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and then disappearing as quietly as it appeared. However, on the tail end of a year unlike any other, I’ve found myself taking an extra pause to consider these words, and what lessons might be gleaned from how we think about “luck” in general.
When’s the last time you felt “lucky?” You know, that gut-level knowing that you’re right where you’re supposed to be, confident that everything’s falling right into place. In these moments of clarity, it’s never about understanding exactly how X or Y will pan out, but knowing that they will. Most often, these instances stem from approaching situations with curiosity, which in turn taps into an elusive resource that’s at our disposal now more than ever before, but all too easy to miss: beginner’s luck.
In one way or another, COVID-19 put a hard pause on most of what we previously considered to be normal. Careers, schooling, social life, business plans— it’s hard to come up with any sector of life that came out of the past year unscathed.
But, as the light at the end of the Coronavirus tunnel seems to draw nearer and areas of our lives start to resemble something a bit more familiar, we will soon be presented with a rare opportunity to be beginners in our own lives. This has the potential to not only prime us to rethink the ways that we’ve “always done things” and come up with new and improved approaches but it also gifts us the chance to view our lives through refreshed eyes and engage in those aspects that we may have previously taken for granted with the ferocity of a beginner.
So, who else is feelin’ lucky?!