Champ Camp!

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Dropping In To Life

We hope that you enjoyed Week Five as much as we did! There was some noticeable progress in both groups; keep up the hard work. Remember to start thinking of a trick or two for Demo Day in three weeks!

Our Trick Tip this week covered the basics of transition, otherwise known as ramp skating. El Segundo skatepark features a variety of ramps to skate on. The main ramp in the middle of the park is known as a bank and is sloped at about 45 degrees. Towards the back corner of the skatepark is the the half-pipe, which is made up of two quarter-pipes that face each other. The difference between a quarter-pipe and a bank is the curvature of the ramp. A quarter pipe is shaped like a crescent moon, whereas a bank is a slanted line.

When rolling into a bank, it is really important to bend your knees, look straight ahead, and lean ever-so-slightly forward. For a quarter pipe, we enter the ramp by dropping in. To drop in, set your tail on the top of the ramp with the wheels already against the surface of the ramp. Then, place your front foot over the front bolts and push the board completely down into the ramp, keeping your knees bent the whole time.

We should approach life just like dropping in, with complete confidence and commitment. When the obstacles of life—ramps—seem too big to overcome, remember that the fear is all in our minds. Oftentimes the fear we create for ourselves is worse than the thing we are afraid of. After your first solo drop in, you will realize that you should not have been so worried! Just like in life, things get easier the more we believe in ourselves and keep pushing forward. So get out there and have some fun! See you in the streets!

-Coach Elliott